Point of Views - Become a Better Human

Adventure time:

I was bored one day, and so instead of scrolling Instagram, YouTube or TikTok

I went on Google Maps.

I wanted to go somewhere, not just laze around all day.

And I realised there was a “regional park” (Huge park, lots of trees, wildlife, animals), a 10-minute walk from my home.

There was NO WAY I had lived at this home for 5 years and failed to realise there was this regional park near me.

So I went to the park, not expecting much, but man was it beautiful.

I kept walking and walking until I finally entered an area you could describe as “the woods”. I was enshrouded in the shade of the trees, and every breath felt like I was being revitalised.

In the middle of enjoying myself and exploring the terrain I’ve never experienced before…

I stepped on a pile of dog shit.

And it didn’t help that the shit was hot, gooey and stank.

And I was pissed.

Some careless owner couldn’t bother to clean after their dog, and I had to pay the price.

I kept walking, trying not to think too much about it.

But the deeper I walked in the woods

It got darker

It got quieter

And ….. I got lost

I tried using Google Maps for directions back home.

No reception.

I then tried to backtrack my footsteps, but it was impossible.

I had taken so many turns and climbed at least 2 rocks.

I had no clue where I was

I was freaking out by this point.

I started pacing, just reciting prayers to myself

And then…

I stepped on a pile of dog shit. Again.

But I couldn’t be happier.

It was the same dog shit I stepped in a couple of minutes ago when exploring.

For some reason, I remember feeling relieved after getting my other boot soaked in dog dung. It was the same feeling you would get after spending 1 hour meditating.

I was able to make it home before sunset, unscathed, ready to wash crap off my boots.

The theory of relativity (non-physics edition)

I tell you this story because events are relative to the observer.

Like in the story above, stepping in dog dung can either:

  • Make your day

  • Break your day

For me, in a 40 minute window, I was one of the very few humans in the world where stepping in dog dung both broke and made my day.

I want to show you this picture that sums up relativity.

Neither person is wrong!

And they’re seeing the SAME thing.

Yet, they disagree and can’t seem to agree on one answer.

This applies to the events, experiences and conversations we have every day.

We have different perspectives.

All of us should aim to understand and comprehend other people's perspectives on the same events/thoughts/experiences.

For example, don’t try to push your perspective down the other person’s ear when you disagree or argue with another person.

Rather, spend some time understanding their perspective and why they are projecting a view that may not align with yours. Just because their view doesn’t align with yours doesn’t mean they are 100% wrong.

If you can enable yourself to think about multiple perspectives, you will become:

  • Trusted

  • Respected

  • A better human

Of course, if you don’t want to become a better human, avoid doing any of the steps we’re about to go through.

  1. Exposure

  2. Reflection

  3. Discussion

Step 1. Exposure:

Expose yourself to different scenarios, perspectives and experiences.

You can do this by:

  • Volunteering

  • Picking up a new hobby

  • Speaking to people you wouldn’t usually speak to (Mutual friends, colleagues, extended family)

If you don’t expose yourself to new situations, you will never develop an understanding of other perspectives.

An analogy here I can use is like looking at a cube.

A cube has 6 faces.

Most people see only one or three faces because they live on repeat, have some conversations, and keep themselves locked in their rooms.

Step 2. Reflection:

After you’ve learnt something new, had a conversation or experience, reflect.

Doing mental reflection IS NOT enough.

Thinking about it IS NOT enough.

You need to write these thoughts down physically. Whether that would be typing these thoughts up on a document or writing them down in a journal,

This is important because you develop what I call a reflection bank.

A reflection bank is a collection of your reflections, thoughts, feelings, and notes to yourself. It is powerful to be able to revisit your thoughts and reflections now and then. You can compare how your reflections have changed over time and determine how your values have changed.

You can understand whether you’re getting closer to your goals or if you're straying from them.

Use this reflective model here and start building out your reflection bank.

Step 3. Discussion:

The last thing is to discuss and engage with other like-minded individuals.

Don’t limit yourself to your thoughts and perspectives.

Speak to others who are older than you, younger than you, smarter than you, more switched on than you.

Uncovering multiple perspectives without talking to those with the respective perspectives is impossible.

For example, you may avidly support Team A and acknowledge that others support Team B. However, without ever speaking to a Team B supporter, you will always have blind spots.

One could argue that you will always have blind spots, even in the perspectives you hold.

If you like what I talk about (philosophy, psychology, spirituality, self-dev) and want to take action and engage in the steps I’ve listed, join the Reflections Discord server here.

It’s hard, but it’s worth it.

Taking the time to understand one another is hard.

It’s often easier to move on and express your point of view instead.

But think about this for a second…

The most successful people in this world didn’t just stay in their rooms all day.

They listened and explored multiple perspectives and views.

They talked to others who were more experienced than them.

They were ready to have their perspectives and beliefs demolished.

They acknowledged that they didn’t know something if they didn’t know something. They wouldn’t pretend to know it all.

See you next week!


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